
Archive for February, 2023

The beads are ready! Click here to get right to my shop to see everything that is available all at once, or the link below each photo for the individual listings.

Shards and Amoebas – 9 AI inspired beads

Behold: The Eyes – 9 beads

Certifiable Cerulean Party Ball – glass, sterling and glitters galore

Feverish Fuschia Party Ball – glass, sterling and glitters galore

Unicorn Sprinkle Palace Purse Charm – bling for your bag

Muse Purse Charm – bling for your bag

Quiet Violet Oblong Fizz Tabs – 9 beads in cool and calm colors

Red Violet Red Lava Lite Trios and Tabs – 9 glittery beads

Tiny Silver Glitterbomb Earrings – glass and sterling silver

Unicorn Sprinkle Palace Chunky Bracelet

Welp, that’s everything. I was going to try to do more but I ran out of steam after the hilarious eye ones. I went at putting all of this together for 12 hours straight for two days in a row, and I’m a bit concerned about how much I enjoyed not leaving the house. But a trip to the post office on Tuesday is inevitable and very welcome, so don’t be shy about dragging me from my nest! If you’ve missed out on anything in the past weeks or months, give me a buzz and I’ll see what I can do. I also plan to start working with silver in a bit. It’s been a while, I might be feeling some serious stage fright about it because I keep putting it off. But that’s another bit of sparkle to look forward to… Thanks for having a look, I hope you find something you like!

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What: The Doing What I Can Shop Update
When: Monday February 20th, 2023 (Presidents Day) at 8PM Central Time
Where: In my online shop
How: by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin

And it really is just that. Even though I’m totally bombarded, I’m going to make it happen. I hope. Fingers crossed, hope NOT to die, only to avoid disappointing or annoying you guys. I’ve been having to focus my attention on things other than beads because it’s been absolutely necessary, but I’m hoping that will be remedied soon and I ask that you will hope right along with me. I’ll be nose to grindstone all weekend in preparation. I feel like I’m playing hooky every time I clean my house, make a piece of jewelry not explicitly intended for sale, hang out with a friend, stare at the wall for too long, or sleep. And in recent years, the cold weather renders me immobile; once I get moving I’m okay, but making myself do it is becoming an uphill battle. Some cat is always on me, which makes it even more difficult. So what I’ve been able to make myself do since early January will be presented on Monday: a pair of earrings, purse charms (because I can make tassels galore whilst under the blankets near the heater) a bracelet I kinda made for myself but will offer you before I commit to keeping it, and of course, some beads. Too bad I can’t sell you my marginally clean kitchen. Please do have a peek at hopefully not all of the things that will be on offer on Monday. I hope to see you then! Thanks for checking in.

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And we are a whole month and a half into 2023. I tend to keep to myself at the beginning of the new year. I suppose the Y2K debacle got deep into my psyche and now I hide and watch until it warms up a bit. But anyway, thanks for another great sale at the tail end of the end of 2022, another tall stack of boxes went out the door. It was great to see some bead freaks I haven’t seen in literally years! It’s wonderful to know you guys still remember me. There are still a few things left in my shop , and there is more to come within the next week. I’ll do a brief check-in once I can nail down a day and time.

I know a lot of artists are hopping mad at AI generated art, and I do see their point, but I have to say that some of this stuff is incredible. The free AI programs yield some amusing results, but the ones you pay a monthly subscription to use (such as Midjourney) produce truly fantastic images with astonishingly realistic detail, color and lighting. Everything from objects to blacklight posters to still scenes from movies look as real as if they actually existed. Except for hands, and sometimes eyes. People often complain about the hands – hands and toes usually have more than 5 digits – but I like that particular quirk. Human eyes can be distorted, crossed or appear painted on in some cases. Words usually come out as gibberish, which I also find charming. My dad was an artist who painted detailed surreal imagery in oil paints, and so much of the AI produced art reminds me of his aesthetic, and I’m sure that’s why I’m so partial to it. I know that my dad would get a huge kick out of it if he were still around. If you’re on Facebook and interested, check out the group Midjourney Official – anyone can join. I personally have not tried my hand at this, but what others have prompted has been very inspiring for my own work. You will see some of these results at the next shop update.

Speaking of which, the theme of my next shop update is going to be “just doing what I can”. This time of year can be rough, whether we’re recovering from the holidays, or just struggling to stay warm and stave off the winter blues. Most of you know how I feel about happy little sunbeams dancing around on my face, but even I have to admit too much darkness is a bummer. Luckily we’ve had a mild winter here this year – save for a cold snap here and there, high temps have mostly hovered in the 50’s and 60’s. I do realize that discussing the weather is often the mark of a very boring person, but at the moment, the beads are the most exciting thing about me and I’m fine with it. I shall return in the next few days with more interesting details. See you then, thanks for checking in!

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