
Archive for October, 2014

STOP! Etsy time.

Oh, yes people. Stop what you’re doing, there are BEADS to be HAD!

Click HERE to get to my Etsy shop, or the thumbnails below for each item.

Junque du Jour in Ultracerulean:


Girl Stuff Bubbles:


Wildflower Mirror Mosaics:


Jeweltone Bubbles:




Here’s what I usually give you for preview, a bit late of course, but I kinda like these photos:


Okay! Since I’ve already eaten, I guess I’ll go find something to do. Maybe I’ll take a walk, because I’m really high on cheap takeout pizza right now. I hope you like the beads! Thanks for checking in.

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The chickadees have landed.

The” chickadees” being the stuff left over from last week’s Superstars sale that I finally got around to adding to my Etsy shop. (I could have said “eagles” but eagles are like WAY too serious, man.) Anyway, check them out – you can click HERE for my Etsy shop or on each item below:

Ember Glitterbomb:



The Real Mod Dot Ring in Spring Green:



Spacegrass (boro):



The Real Mod Dot Ring in Grrrly:



And more good news for my neglected Etsy shop, and for you, if you like Etsy – I’ll be adding more stuff later this evening! I probably won’t do the usual pre-post to announce my earnest in getting everything done before midnight… I’ll probably just do my usual “hey I just put some stuff on Etsy and now I need to go eat something” post. I don’t have a sneak peek for you, but I can tell you that I’ve been excitedly exploring my new Mirror Mosaics design seen below (these sold at last week’s Superstars sale):


Mr. Sarah thought they were really fab, and he has a good eye, so I made some in different colors. You’ll see them later on etsy, along with petite hollow beads and a fanciful sampler.

See you guys later!

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Superstars Tonight!

Important business first, though – a pile of cute in the windowsill.


Look at Nelson snuggling Fred’s tail. I haven’t given you a very in-depth Nelson update lately. (My dad used to call me and demand a Nelson Update. I really miss that.) We’ve seen a measurable improvement in his (c)attitude.  My husband is convinced that this shift is thanks to all the fresh catnip we’ve been giving him. We’ve decided he’s just different from the other cats we’ve had. That said, he fits in quite nicely and gets along with the other two cats, and even though he’s still pushy and rude about the cat food, he’s quite affectionate toward them otherwise. They seem to like him too. He’s always hanging out with one or the other, or one of us. I caught Mo and Nelson spooning one night, and considering their rocky start, this was not only adorable but something of a relief.

Rather than purring when he’s happy to see us, he yawns. But when he’s ready to get serious about being happy, he will purr. His incessant counter surfing has dwindled to very occasional counter surfing. He has gotten onto my lap a few times, which is new. He has never bitten or hissed or clawed us on purpose – he’s actually a very sweet and tolerant cat. I’m sure it helps that we’re fairly sweet and tolerant of him and his various shenanigans – and believe me, there have been some Shenanigans.

One other example of Nelson’s improvement: he got outside through an unsecured window screen the other day. I got up that afternoon and looked everywhere, even shook the food box and shouted “hungry!?” That usually sends him Scooby-doo’ing into the kitchen, sometimes even sliding into the lower cabinets. Still no Nelson. Then I noticed the loose screen and opened the back door, and who did I see standing right outside? I opened the screen door and expected him to run away right then, because that’s classic Nelson. Instead, he just stood there. I told him to come inside, and he continued to just stand there. So I leaned over and picked him up and he didn’t even try to run away and he didn’t argue with me once I had him and gave him kisses. I put him on the kitchen floor and he looked ashamed of himself and halfway afraid I would scold him. (Mo took care of that for me, she hissed at him and slapped him the moment he hit the ground.) But who could blame him for his grand escape, there’s a whole flowerpot full of fresh catnip right outside the window! I deduced that he hadn’t been out that long, and generally, when Nelson can no longer resist the smells and the birds (about once every six months) it takes several hours for Nelson to want to come back inside and we practically have to chase him down and bribe him with treats. Progress!

The first time I ever saw Nelson, he was on top of my garbage container in the driveway. He was so small that I wondered how he got up there. Oh, Nelson. Out of the garbage pail and into our hearts.


Anyway… Superstars tonight, you guys! For those of you who don’t know, this sale happens on my website, http://www.z-beads.com, and it’s first come, first served. If you miss out on something you really love, orders can be placed for most selections.

What’s happening:

7:30PM – 8PM Central Time – Superstars sale preview. Look, read, decide, and ask any burning questions.
8PM Central Time and Beyond – start sending in your requests!
There will be 12 fantastic selections, including new (experimental) bead designs, sterling rings, glitterbombs, some old favorites and a set of boro beads.

aren't WE fancy!? click on us t get to the superstars page on www.z-beads.com!

aren’t WE fancy!? click on us to get to the superstars page on http://www.z-beads.com!

I hope you can join in on the fun!
Back to the e-grind with me, gotta get it all done so I’m not late to my own sale. That would be just like me.
Thanks for reading.

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