
Archive for November, 2021

Click here to get to my shop, or the link associated with the photos below for the individual listing. As usual, if you missed out, these are available made to order. I’m loving these beads this go-round, and you might too, so don’t be shy! My personal fave is the Big Millies. I’m taking this week off from the burner, however, and OMG I need it. My house is filthy because I’ve been too busy with work and people to clean it, and I need time to just stare at the wall in between the scrubbing. But back to the grind next week with pending made to orders and new ideas, I have some fun stuff planned.

Big Millies

Glazed Over: Organic Brights

Colorblast Happy Bouncy Balls

Vanity Bubbles

Not Quite Christmas Glitzy Globs

Raspberry Rose Glimmer Strips

Thanks for having a gander! I hope you find something you like, and I guess I ought to comb my hair in case I need to go to the post office to ship your beads. If I don’t talk to you beforehand, Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it, and for those who don’t, enjoy your time off.

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Again, maybe not the best idea, but it’s what I could manage and I hope you guys can make it. It will happen in MY SHOP, Monday November 22nd at 5PM Central Time. If you’re subscribed to receive my blog notifications via email, you will receive a notification when I upload the stuff tomorrow, and then I’ll leave you alone for a while until the next sale, which will hopefully be at least a couple of weeks before Christmas. Meanwhile, here’s a glance at what’s available:

week of november 22nd 2021

Also, I should mention that since I can no longer update my website through my usual means, I recently added the highlights of 2016 to my Flickr Gallery, and will add 2017 and beyond when time allows. I’m not a huge fan of how so many of the photos are by default blown up to 300x their usual size unless you are logged in and can tell it not to, but it will have to do for now.

my 2016 flicker album, yaaayyy

I’m going to get back to it, I still have many photos to edit and descriptions to write! I hope to see you tomorrow!

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Before I get into the other stuff, I’m planning a sale for Monday or Tuesday of next week. I don’t have a preview for that, but when I know for sure I will give you advance notice with a quick peek at what’s available. A sale on Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving is probably a terrible idea, but what isn’t a terrible idea these days? Everything is so abnormal, so who knows what anybody is supposed to do. I’m just in here making beads and minding my own business, like always, so at least some things don’t change.

Anyway, apologies for the long silence, but I’ve been working feverishly on MADE TO ORDERS! Hooray! People have been missing my beads, I guess. I will be candid: I have mixed feelings about made to orders. When I’m freestyling, I’m on a big new adventure but I’m missing the structure and advance planning made to orders offer me, and I fret and worry over how the newness will be received. When I’m working on made to orders, I’m feeling like trying something new, but am relieved that someone is already committed to buying what I’m working on. I’m just a rebel, I guess. Honestly, I think some of this stuff is dredging up some old crap from the past, and it’s been emotionally difficult in some ways. But I’m not mad at any of it, it’s all necessary to keep my life moving in a good direction, and I’m definitely trying a lot of new things when time permits. I’m still out of practice on some things, but I sure am working on it.

me and nelson in the bead room

My birthday was last week. The boyfriend was all “so, you’re, what, 29? That’s wonderful, honey, happy birthday!” It made me remember when I turned 29. That was a long time ago. Mom called me and sang happy birthday on my answering machine and I cried because I felt so old and lost. And I still do, just a different kind of old and lost. Things are so different now and everything is such a crisis, and I feel like my phone doesn’t ever stop ringing. I can’t even get my Ulta coupon anymore without an app on my phone, and now it dings at me constantly regarding things at Ulta that I don’t care about. I yearn for ye olde app-free days, to be honest… paper coupons, half priced Sonic burgers on Tuesday for everyone, and nobody could bother you with the phone when you’re at the store because the phone is too big to take with you and it only works when it’s plugged into the wall at your house. But now you really shouldn’t be anywhere without your phone because you might get grabbed by one of the five different creeps in the craft store parking lot and the authorities need a way to track you because lordy knows they’re not going to go more than an inch out of their way to find you otherwise. Everything demands special attention – my bank is going to charge me money for not logging into my account every so often. Essentially, if someone else isn’t stealing your money, your banker will be sure to fill that void because we aren’t alive unless someone is scamming us, and we need all the busywork and distraction we can get up to our elbows in. It’s all just too much out there. I miss simplicity.

why the boots? this cat is weird

But I’m grateful for what I have going in my immediate orbit. I have people who wish the best for me and have given me breaks and have helped me without my asking during this series of difficult transitions. I have a decent guy in my life who has had his own difficulties and seems to be genuinely invested in personal growth, and has patiently stuck by me through my own. He has made his own significant adjustments appear practically effortless, and I’m reasonably sure it isn’t all a big lie because he knows I’m going to be hard to fool at this point. My mother, who drives me crazy sometimes and she fully knows it, has had my back since I began to exist, and as I age and meet more people, I realize just how rare it is to have a mother like that. I’ve also began to discover that my “trust issues” I so often refer to aren’t always so much “issues” as they are “very high standards” and “requirements” for people who get close to me. It isn’t about how much money you have, how you dress, what you look like, or who you know – that stuff is completely meaningless. It’s about the choices you make for yourself and how you treat people, and of course, your level of trustworthiness. The rest is just chemistry… or is it gravy? Sometimes you have it, and sometimes you don’t… it applies to both. My mother taught me well.

All of this is to say I’m working on a sale that I’m hoping will happen early next week. It could be a Mondays Aren’t So Miserable or a Tuesdays Aren’t So Terrible sale, we will see what I can get done and be happy with, but Monday is what I’m aiming for so I’ll have plenty of time to get to the post office before Thanksgiving. I will keep you posted here, and lately, I’ve been posting on instagram pre-sale as well. If you don’t have instagram, don’t worry, you’re not missing out on much from me personally, and it probably isn’t as reliable as email if you check your email regularly. So, thanks for checking in, and you’ll be hearing from me again very soon!

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