
Archive for February, 2017

the order of things

… is out of order. Please try again later.

Or, a better idea… you could keep trying. Kick it. Bang on it. Feed it candy. Let it outside. Whatever you think will help.

BFF’s Tammy N Sarah Gonna Sniff The World in 2017. Completed Tour Dates: Jovan Woman, Coriandre, Mauboussin, Ambre Sultan, Jai Ose, Silences, Habit Rouge, Vetiver Extreme, Kenzo Jungle Elephant, vintage Angel. Coming up: Yatagan, L’Instant de Guerlain Extreme, Rochas Femme, Mitsouko EDP, Aramis JHL

February? I’ve had the windows open for days to let the warm breeze blow in. I’ve been sweating during my Jazzercise. I think it’s 90 today. This is so weird. I feel like I should be outraged at the whole global warming thing, but I can’t help but love not freezing my cookies off in the bead cave. I’m actually getting some work done. And I’m thinking about painting my toenails red and wearing open toed shoes. In February!

stuff I like this week: David Lee Roth (all weeks), Yatagan, Mitsouko, Grandma Moran's snake necklace, my black pearls and safety pin necklaces, Acharya incense and giant 8lb shoes.

stuff I like this week: David Lee Roth (all weeks), Yatagan, Mitsouko, Grandma Moran’s snake necklace, my black pearls and safety pin necklaces, Acharya incense and giant 8lb shoes.

Cat Update: they’re still kickin, lickin and scratchin. Here’s the skinny on Mo and Nelson!. (yes, Nelson!’s name is, in fact, spelled with an exclamation point at the end. If he was your cat, you’d totally get it and you’d spell it that way too.)

The Poopie Perpetrator

The Poopie Perpetrator… I should hope that when I’m as old as she is I’ll still be alive to perpetrate my poopies on everyone who still loves me. Guess I’d oughtta start making some friends.


nelson's "oh crap something's happening in the kitchen and even though my eye is still watering from the sriracha jalapeno stuff I licked off the floor I wanna do it AGAIN" face

nelson!’s “oh crap something’s happening in the kitchen and even though my eye is watering from the sriracha jalapeno stuff I licked off the floor I wanna do it AGAIN” face

I’ve been kickin, too. I’ll be putting some stuff on Etsy soon enough, and here’s a peek at a few of the things I’ll have for you:


February 2017

color block bracelet

color block bracelet (or necklace, whichever you like)

These seed-bead color block things… I’ve been seeing them around quite a bit the last few years. I’ve been thinking about them and finally made a couple. I’m not sure if there’s any meaning to them, but the ones I have seen seem to be strung up rather willy-nilly. I can do willy-nilly sometimes, but not so much in jewelry. There must be some order. I must count. The numbers must match. The colors must balance. And when it comes to MY bracelets, the Lucite buttons must stack. This was strung on high quality tigertail and it was a whole lotta fun to make on a stormy night while watching Forensic Files. Morbid? Yes. Informative? Yes. Helpful? Unlikely.

I’ll be seeing you again real soon… I’ll probably take a few more days to get some more beads made. I’ll give you a holler when I’m getting them ready and they’re good to go. Thanks for reading!

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Does everyone still hate Mondays? Is that still a thing? I wouldn’t know. I have no idea what day it is half of the time anyhow.


I did it! I did all the pictures and describing and Etsy stuff, and now the beads are ready for you to look at. I’m kind of liking going back to the semi-once-a-week Etsy listings. That is, until I get my Etsy bill. Then I don’t like it as much. But I’ll stick with it for a while – at least until I can figure out how to do everything I want to do all in one day and still have time to read important works of fiction and clean the toilet somewhat regular-like. Fat chance, right?

I’m also planning on focusing on lampwork for a while – no silver stuff for a little bit longer. I have new glass ideas and the desire to risk the disappointment if they turn out crappy – so I should stay on task. Now that I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m (intrinsically) too self-indulgent to stick to a routine, self-imposed or otherwise, I must, at the very least, limit my number of irons in the fire. But certainly not my number of mandrels, yuk-yuk. So this is good news – if you’ve been hesitating on placing a made-to-order, hesitate no longer. The glass is my oyster for a while and there are no other random projects standing in the way of timely completion. But what if it’s cold? I guess I’ll just put on my boots and fleece dress and legwarmers and tights and apron and crocheted hat and spin you up some of whatever you’ve ordered up.

By the by, if you look closely, you might notice I re-worked a couple of the sets shown in my last post. The True Turquoise Fizz Tabs needed two green bases, and I remade the too-streaky ones in the Umbrella Rondells. A little bit of streaky is fine, but those were just too streaky for my liking. I like them much better now. So here they are:

Click HERE to get to my Etsy shop, or the thumbnails below for each item.

Blue Valentine Chunky Bracelet:

Cherry Citron Smooches:

May Shower Glitter Squares:

Umbrella Rondells:

Dayglo Shimmer Spikes:

True Turquoise Glitter Fizz Tabs:

Thanks for looking! I’ll see you again soon.

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veni, vidi, melted some stuff

perfect for the dandy in your orbit... Madonna wears this one.

Madonna wears Habit Rouge. Often referred to as Shalimar for men, it’s citrusy, powdery, and a bit smoky. It’s quiet and delicate. It’s one of the most perfectly gender neutral fragrances I’ve come across.


Here’s the deal. I’ve been having a hard time mustering up the wherewithal to conduct a big Superstars sale… all the emails, the photoshopping, the writing, the… everything. Little bits at a time are working better for me these days. So today and tomorrow will be spent doing all that, plus putting on the finishing touches for about 5 listings worth of beads (possibly more). They will go live on Etsy either tomorrow evening or Monday. Here’s a quick peek at what’s coming:

this week's stuff

this week’s stuff

See you again tomorrow or Monday!

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