
Archive for March, 2013


impromptu superstars - more info forthcoming!

impromptu superstars sale tonight – more info on its way to the the mailing list peeps!

I didn’t just give the appearance of kicking ass at the burner this past week. In fact, I’ll be having an impromptu SUPERSTARS sale tonight. Apologies for the very short notice. Although this sale has been poorly advertised and minimally hyped, good beads will abound. I tried out several new ideas (and some old/new ones I hadn’t gotten around to yet), so this sale will include some highly experimental designs you may not see again. Finishing touches are required for a few of these sets, so be sure to check the sale page later for a better look.

I tried another something different: I didn’t let myself get too weighed down by plans or possibilities or drawbacks, I just relaxed and let the glass flow and glow. It was surprising how much I accomplished at the torch. How little I accomplished elsewhere was also quite astonishing. This lack of planning and forethought isn’t something I’ll be able to get used to, and not something I’ll expect you to endure too often. Rather than being predictably unpredictable, I’d prefer to be predictable with a sliver of spontaneity so’s not to be unbearably dull. Anyway.

SUPERSTARS SCHEDULE for Thursday 3/14/13 (that’s tonight, by the way, in case you missed the three or four times I’ve already mentioned it, har) :

7:30PM CENTRAL TIME: Sale preview. Take this time to read and decide what you want.
8PM CENTRAL TIME: Start sending in your requests via email.

Note the time zone. If you don’t know what yours is, give the ol’ zip code a google.
Thanks for bearing with me, and I sure do hope to see you tonight!

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“Too many beads and not enough time,
Derndy derndy dern dern, twangy twangy twaanngg…”

Was that it?

Check these out. A (good and reliable) long-time client informed me that she couldn’t figure out what to do with the Honey Glimmer Strips she bought from me roundabout 2011. Not always knowing what to do with some beads is something I know a little bit about me-self. But seeing as how I’m the worst bead junkie we know, you’d still have to fight me for the crappy old off-turquoise Taiwanese seed beads that aren’t quite a size 6/0. No, actually, I couldn’t tell you where they are at the moment and I won’t be able to sleep until I find those frickin things…

honey glimmer strips circa 2011

honey glimmer strips circa 2011

Anyway, for anyone who might be interested, they’re on ebay. The auction is here.

In other news,  Nelson’s nose was deemed large enough to be assigned its own zip code, I found an entire book of silver foil in my crap drawer, I got some fantastic new beads*, I made some new beads, I ordered a bang of new glass colors, I consolidated my bead stash…

*Yes, I know I said I wasn’t going to get any new beads. I was wrong, evidently. Leave it to me to acquire a bathtubful of new beads and still make the entire stash they were worked into appear smaller than it was before. Mr. Sarah loves to tell the story of moving me out of my mother’s house. He says he looked at my room and said “hey, no problem” but by the time it was all done, he could only marvel at how much stuff could fit into such a small space. (The trick to this is having a penchant for small things – the smaller the things, the more you can acquire.) He still laughs at the memory of finding an old Whitman’s sampler box under my bed. Inside was a plaster dental model with the number 65 written on it in Sharpie. It was the only thing in the box, and that’s why he thought it was funny.

If it wasn’t just me being quirky, it could have been a joke I was playing on Mom… I still giggle about the time Mom brought home a giant bag of M&M’s and we evenly split it between the three of us. I put my share into a coffee mug and put it under my bed. Days later, long after Mom and Bruce had wiped out their shares and I had hardly made a dent in mine, Mom came in and asked if I would share some of my M&M’s with her. I went for the mug and found that she had already pillaged my stash one of the previous evenings when I wasn’t around to ask. I looked at her and she looked like the Mom who ate my M&M’s. I told her she couldn’t have any, and I got the standard response: a lowered head and a stuck-out bottom lip. We both got a good cackle out of all of that, so I had to give her some. And wouldn’t it have been too perfect for her to go looking under my bed for something sweet to abscond with and find the Whitman’s sampler box, a glowing golden halo of temptation around it, and open it to find a plaster dental model of one of Dr. Naifeh’s patients’ lower left molars instead. Yes, that would have been extra good.

a recent order

a recent order

So, I dunno about the beads, you guys. I’m making them and trying not to put too much pressure on myself to be awesome. I’m in the midst of deciding between a quick etsy sale this week vs a big superstars sale next Thursday. Or maybe I can be super awesome and get everything done in time for this Thursday and do some Superstars then. And I was thinking about doing boro this month too, but I don’t know about that either now. I’m thinking I have ADD – Artsy Dingbat Disorder. It feels like my life has been in a constant state of disruption for at least a couple of years. I have too many interests and too many ideas and then bad news and obnoxious people crash in and break my stride. Then again, it’s easier on the ego to blame external influences for my own shortcomings…

Oh well. I’d better go give the appearance of kicking ass at the burner. Thanks for checking in!

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