
Archive for December, 2011

It’s almost over.

Although I watch very little TV, the commercials (think target lady in a red sweatsuit thingee and the shrill toys r us lady), the incessant Christmas songs on my favorite oldies station, people driving and acting like three-year-olds… Come on January 10th or thereabouts.

I will say that I’ve always enjoyed the Christmas lights, but even that has become something I’m not as fond of. It’s the LED revolution. Don’t get me wrong, I like LED lights, but the color variety just isn’t there. No orange? No cobalt? Not that I’ve seen. And they make me a little dizzy. I think I mentioned this last year, that I was constantly finding myself in a whirr of vertigo everytime I drove by anything decorated with LED light strands… but still miffed about not being able to find a strand of solid blue or purple LED lights of my very own. I got started early this year and found a fabulous strand of fuschia-purple LED round bulbs at Target… in OCTOBER. Ha! For once, I outfoxed the fiendish shoppers!

Why some musicians are compelled to waste their valuable resources and RECORD themselves singing Christmas songs is beyond my scope. What was Bob Dylan thinking with that Christmas album? (I’m thinking it was a joke, but last time I checked, the jury was still out on that one.) Even though it was a live show, someone saw fit to record Bruce Springsteen singing “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”, and the local radio stations think they’re not playing it often enough. Rather than inspiring me to sieze the season, Christmas music makes me want to drink egg nog and rum until I pass out.

This is not a time to one-up the other gift givers in your family, or to make up for all the crap you’ve dished out this year with fancy electronics doomed for obsolescence the very next day. We all have to remember what Christmas is about – God and Jesus. Since I don’t subscribe to any of that, it’s difficult for me to get on board. (But I’m all the way on board with ham and pie, make no mistake.) I think that for everyone, whatever they believe, these times are meant to be peaceful and happy, not the time to obliterate all Walmart shoppers standing between yourself and the cheap bath towels. What if I unexpectedly run out of toilet paper? I’d rather use napkins than go out in that.

By the by, in case you’ve ever wondered – it’s the reason I don’t make Christmas themed beads (or any other holiday themed beads, for that matter.) This isn’t a judgment against anyone who does, but I can’t comfortably profit from something I’m not in on. Like St. Patrick’s Day – I don’t even know what that’s about, nor do I care. As far as I’m concerned, it’s about wearing green and getting drunk. Whoop-te-do. I’ll stay home and stay alive, thanks, and probably make something orange. (I’m definitely in on orange.) Same with New Year’s Eve. I don’t usually go out on New Year’s Eve, and I never bother with New Year’s resolutions. I decide I’m going to start or stop doing something whenever it’s time, and instead of making grand announcements to the entire world, I keep it to myself and I just work on it. That way, if I don’t stick to it, I won’t have embarrassed myself or annoyed everyone around me for nothing.


Anyway. I’m not about to spiral down into a deep depression or anything… it’s just all this dull, depressing crap I have going, combined with the Hellidays, and I guess I’ve been a bit distracted. One thing I can do is work, and I’ve been taking full advantage of a VERY mild December. The last two Decembers were awful. This December, we’ve had a day or two with highs in the mid 30’s, but mostly, 40’s and 50’s – even a few days of 60+ degrees. I invested in a pair of legwarmers and they’ve been one of the best eight dollars I’ve ever spent.

Nelson has taken to hanging out with me in the bead cave while I work, even if it’s cold in there. I guess that means he likes me, although sometimes, it’s hard to tell. He doesn’t purr much, he’s not too keen on being picked up, and he HATES being held like a baby. Fred complains about the baby hold but purrs the entire time, but I have to be standing up. Absolutely NO sitting and holding Fred like a baby. Mo can’t get enough of it, sitting or standing, and she quacks and rumbles all glassy-eyed. One of Nelson’s favorite things is snuggling at night. That’s about the only time he purrs, and he purrs BIG. He loves to get under the blankets with us and will spoon whoever is warmest until he gets too warm, then he will get out and take his spoon place on top of the blankets. Fred is jealous, of course. We had both of them under there one night, and it wasn’t too long until we heard Fred’s One Fang Hiss beneath the quilt. I’m just hoping Nelson grows up into a more affectionate cat. He does lick us, but I far prefer nudges and purring to saliva. But with a cat, you’ll take whatever you can get, right? I remember Fred being pretty obnoxious, and he grew up to be a most wonderful cat, so there’s hope for Nelson. I think I might try to find a good cat whispering/training book. (Training cats, HA, how’s that for a lofty goal? Maybe cat persuasion is a bit more realistic.)

Thanks for checking in. Obviously, there is no Etsy this week, and definitely not this weekend. I’m going to see what I can do, but you can certainly plan on seeing new Etsy listings in the new year. And hopefully I can find the time to update the horribly neglected 2011 gallery on my website. It’s all just been too much these last couple of months, but things are sorting themselves out, I guess. And metalsmithing is on the list of things to do over the next couple of months… Thanks again for bearing with me! Love you guys!

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I’m still alive.

Someone actually e-poked me to be sure I was still breathing.

When things get rough, I retreat to a quiet place and clam up. Particularly about serious matters that aren’t mine to discuss, now matter how much they’re affecting me. There’s not a whole lot I can do about any of it, but be grateful for any little sparkle that graces me with its presence. For instance, I finally got my new eyeglass prescription (and new frames to go with) last Friday, and what a relief. I no longer feel like I have needles in my eye, and time spent at the computer is much more comfortable.

boro november 2011 - see us on Etsy at some point in the not too distant future


I’ve been working extra hard on boro beads and now, orders. The pile of orders in my queue has been a very welcome distraction, indeed. And it’s been nice not to worry about blizzards, and it hasn’t been too terribly cold, either. Not yet, anyway. My sweetie is always a bright spot in my day, and my fire and my pre-recorded shows (One Life To Live, Days Of Our Lives and Law & Order: Criminal Intent) help keep me sane. Mmm, Detective Bobby Goren. But Mr. Sarah shouldn’t worry – damaged geniuses, both on TV and not on TV, are best admired from afar.


image found at seriesandtv.com


Thanks for checking in… no Etsy this week as I catch up on orders, but probably next week. Maybe some day I’ll be allowed to tell you what’s happening, but for now, let’s all just enjoy the beads.

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